New Mexico Interfaith Immersion Trip

The New Mexico Interfaith Immersion Trip is offered to a dozen of high school students from various faith and religious backgrounds to immerse themselves in interfaith and service-learning opportunities in New Mexico.

This week-long immersive summer program is organized in partnership with Notre Dame San Jose High School and gives a small group of high school students a chance to engage in interfaith dialogue, community service, farming, agriculture, and cultural experiences in the Santa Fe and Taos regions of New Mexico. The Foundation’s sponsorship of this program supports four Shinnyo-en Youth teens between the ages of 14 and 17 and several other teens with diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. Its main goal is to cultivate mutual respect and peacebuilding amongst themselves through interfaith dialogue and bonding through meaningful volunteer work, cultural experiences, and interfaith dialogue.

If you are a Shinnyo-en youth interested in this opportunity, please contact your Temple Manager, a local YA chief or sub-chiefs for more information and the application process.

New Mexico Interfaith Immersion Trip Articles

Young man holding hoops
Group of interfaith participants gathering at table
Group of people in prayer
Two young women speaking
2019 NM 2
2019 NM 6
2019 NM 4
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