Contributed by Amy Meuers, CEO, National Youth Leadership Council
Reflecting on this year’s annual retreat hosted by Shinnyo-en Foundation, it’s clear that the experience left a lasting impact in participants – especially the youth. From the very beginning, we were all welcomed into an atmosphere of community and purpose, grounded in the “Infinite Paths to Peace” initiative. The opening ice-breaker set the tine for the weekend, encouraging participants to engage and connect meaningfully with each other.

For many of the youth participants, this retreat was a transformative space where their voices were truly heard. As someone who has attended the retreat since 2012, I see how empowering it can be for young people to step into leading roles. One of the highlights for me was co-facilitating the session on Creating Meaningful Youth-Adult Partnerships alongside NYLC Youth Board Member, Zahra Ali. As we delved into NYLC’s Road Map of Youth-Adult Partnerships, it was inspiring to see how open everyone was to examining their own roles in fostering authentic youth voice. The discussion emphasized that youth are not just participants – they are partners. I shared with the group, “When we unlock the potential for both young people and adults to work together, we create deeper, more meaningful change.” Hearing participants share their experiences was a testament to the power of collaboration in elevating youth voices.
This retreat also highlighted the growth that repeated participants like myself can experience. The retreat offers a fresh perspective each time I attend. There’s always something new to learn, whether it’s from the shifting dynamics of the group or the evolving themes we explore. Even if I have been through some of the activities before, I walk away with new insights because the conversation change, and so do I.
This year, a standout moment for me came from the Shinnyo Fellows’ “Inside/Outside Boxes” activity, where they courageously shared personal insights about their aspirations and the challenges they face. Then, we all created our own boxes, using the power of reflection and self-awareness to make meaningful connections with each other, and ourselves. For the youth, this activity was particularly impactful, allowing them to explore their own identities in a supportive environment and learn from others’ stories.

The retreats also provided space for rejuvenation, with participants engaging in hikes, personal reflections, and even ice cream breaks in nearby Los Gatos. This balance between structured learning and personal time allowed us to recharge and return to the group with new energy. For many youth, this time of reflection and informal conversation is where some of the most meaningful connections are made.
As the retreat came to a close, the beaded bracelet-making activity served a meaningful reflection point. Each bead represents a moment of growth, a shared learning, or connection made. I am reminded of everyone I have met whenever I wear my many bracelets. It is a truly fitting symbol of the retreat’s impact – reminding us that every experience, no matter how small, contributed to the larger mission of peace and collaboration.

I left the retreat inspired and reinvigorated, knowing that the seeds of partnership, compassion, and shared leadership had been planted. Together, we are building a future where youth and adults work side by side to create pathways to peace.

Please find many more photos from this year’s Annual Retreat at this link.